About the CoCo+

CoCo+ is an improvement of the career choice process in technical and scientifical based VET

  • The most impacted field: A strategic partnerships for vocational education and training
  • Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
  • Main objectives: Development of Innovation
  • Project Start: 01-09-2017
  • Project End Date: 31-08-2020 (extended till 31.12.2020)

The main objective of the project is an increase of interest for technically, scientifically based education. Project responds to lack of skilled and qualified labour force throughout Europe countries. The lack of qualified labour force is influenced by poor motivation to study technically, scientifically based schools. Moreover there is a significant mismatch between education output from the schools and labour market demands. Early school dropouts and unemployment are often severely influenced by above mentioned. This project aims to increase a motivation of young people for VET studies as well as to deepen an interest for technique and science. Rise awareness of young people about a situation in local labour market and labour market in general are also targets of the project.

Partners of the project represent both formal and non-formal education organizations where the main focus is VET education. Strengthening of collaboration between formal, non-formal education and companies is also a target. Individual goals of involved organization will be preparation of technically, scientifically oriented competitions with emphasis on collaboration of elementary schools, VET schools, organizations and companies. The main intellectual output will be a brochure consisted of all relevant information about preparation and conducting of specific competitions including sharing of good practices. The Brochure and any relative material will be widely available throughout EU countries.

The above described project CoCo+ should increase the interest of young people for technically, scientifically oriented education. It will also lead to strengthening of collaboration between elementary/secondary schools and companies. Closer interaction between mentioned subjects will positively affect particular labour market.

Main points:

  • Evaluation of present situation and modification proposals
  • Strengthening of interest for technically/scientifically oriented education
  • Early school dropout prevention
  • Strengthening of interaction between elementary/secondary schools and companies
  • Creative way of acquiring knowledge and skills (creative and innovative competitions)
  • Sharing of knowledge and good practice examples throughout EU